Steinhaus is Your Local Cash Home Buyers that can close in as little as 7 days! Feel free to fill this form out or to reach out to us via email at beau@steinhaus.in or via phone at 317-942-3133
Give us a Call and tell us about your property! Quick, Easy & Free
During this call we would love to discuss the condition of the property with you and figure out what your specific needs are. If it is moving quickly, we can close on your property as fast as 7 days! If it is slowly we can give you the time needed to part with the house at your convenience and offer moving services!
We will review the details and make sure we are the best fit for you!
With the details you describe to us in the call we will be able to help you understand your options! We want to make this as easy as a process for you as possible. If that involves us great, if not we will still be here to help you along the way and aid you in finding the person that is!
We will present you with a fair written offer!
After we have the details and visited the property we will write up an offer and show you exactly why we offered what we did. This offer is an as-is condition offer meaning you don’t have to move or make another repair to anything. We will pay your title and closing fees! The best part is you don’t have to pay the realtor’s 3-4% each, 6-8% total and have to show your house to a lot of prospective buyers!